Embedded in the fabric of our community
The WA Museum strives towards being at the heart of our community. Why? Because an informed and engaged community can work together for a better future.
The WA Museum creates a sense of belonging, gives our community members a voice, and creates emotional connections. The Museum is a place for learning and shared experiences, and a space of shared origins and history.

Gold Fields team plants for the future at Museum of the Goldfields
Staff members from major partner Gold Fields were on hand on Monday, 9 December 2024, to assist with the planting of over 70 new native plants in the expanded Aboriginal Bush Food & Medicine Garden at the Museum of the Goldfields in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
The Aboriginal Bush Food & Medicine Garden at the Museum of the Goldfields was established in 2022 to preserve and share Aboriginal knowledge. Find out more.
And the winner of FameLab Australia 2024 is Johannes Debler!
Johannes Debler, a molecular biologist representing Curtin University and the Centre for Crop and Disease Management, is the winner of the FameLab Australia 2024 science communication competition. Read on ...
2024 strategic grant creates lasting local and global impact
The WA Museum has allocated the grant funding to a project addressing the demand for digital access to the WA Museum collections, and to a project focused on the Museum of the Great Southern.
Working together to support WA Museum's role in the community
The work of the WA Museum touches the WA community in so many ways. In October, a dig team travelled to the Pilbara to recover rare Diprotodon fossils. While the main aim of the trip was to recover the fossils for future scientific research, the team interacted with many members of the Pilbara community - local school groups, mine site staff, Rangers and more.

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