Helping WA Museum to shape our future for generations to come

We know the big questions Western Australia faces. Who do we trust to answer them?

As crucial holders of our natural and cultural heritage knowledge, museums the world over count amongst the most trusted institutions.

Knowledge of the past informs our understanding of the present and provides tools to shape the future.  The integrity and the moral and ethical principles of our museums are key to the trust in which they are held – and key to the role they can play in answering the big questions we face.

The WA Museum has long been a trusted source of knowledge in the WA community.

Jared and Lauren's diprotodon dig day trip

Congratulations to the lucky winner!

Jared G. from Success and his and his sister Lauren travelled to the Pilbara on Friday, 24 May for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Worlds collide in the depths of our oceans

JAMES CAMERON - CHALLENGING THE DEEP is Hollywood director James Cameron's exhibition, and it’s your expedition through the deepest oceans, viewed through the multiple lenses through which Cameron views the world: as an engineer, explorer, innovator, storyteller, and conservationist.

While you may know him as one of Hollywood’s blockbuster names, he was also the first person to descend solo to the deepest known part of earth, the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, and helped design and build the vessel that took him there …

James Cameron - Challenging the Deep exhibition visitor viewing a model of the Titanic

Biggest ever Foundation grant goes towards acquisition of Red Rock Art Collection and Archive

On 26 October 2023, the Foundation for the WA Museum announced the launch of a large-scale grant program for the benefit of the WA Museum and its first major annual grant to the Museum for a key acquisition. The grant funding was allocated to the acquisition of the majority of the Red Rock Art Collection and Archive 

The Red Rock Art Collection and Archive has immense cultural and spiritual significance, and is of major historical and artistic importance. It forms a rare and unique record of an art movement, and of artists and art related events in the East Kimberley at the turn of the 21st century, and is highly representative of the art practices of the region.

The Museum’s acquisition includes canvas paintings, painted wooden boards, limited edition prints, artefacts, cultural objects, dance boards, hats worn by a number of the artists; as well as a range of archival items like video recordings, still photographs and negatives.

Notable artists featured in the collection include Rover Thomas, Queenie McKenzie, Jack Britten, Peggy Griffiths, Paddy Carlton, Sonia Kurarra, Jock Mosquito, Freddie Timms, Eubena Nampitjin and Billy Thomas.

Working together to support WA Museum's role in the community

The work of the WA Museum touches the WA community in so many ways. In October, a dig team travelled to the Pilbara to recover rare Diprotodon fossils. While the main aim of the trip was to recover the fossils for future scientific research, the team interacted with many members of the Pilbara community - local school groups, mine site staff, Rangers and more. 

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